‘It is incredibly helpful to give LLMs its response back and ask it to find 5 ways to fix it.’

February 28, 2024

Interview with AI Equity Research Analyst Dipanshu Gupta

Dipanshu is not just a clever guy because he has finished his Master's in Physics with a grade of 1.1; he is also very knowledgeable due to his current job as an AI Equity Research Analyst. Gemini explains the occupation as follows:

’An AI Equity Research Analyst examines and evaluates companies focused on developing or utilising artificial intelligence technologies to provide insights and recommendations for investors.

Basically, the type of person you should befriend if you want to cash into the AI boom. Or simply to have interesting conversations about AI and/or investing.

So let's pick his brain on the future of AI, shall we?

The Interview

What's your job and how does it involve AI?

My job has two facets to it. One is researching companies that will either drive AI or benefit from it, i.e. to find "AI winners". Second is to work with GenAI models to build internal capabilities like RAG and analytics. The idea is that both facets complement each other: building with AI models and tools gives me a sense of which companies are building the best products, and researching the companies and products helps me identify the best tools for building our internal AI infrastructure.

What's the craziest thing about AI you've heard so far?

How Deepmind was using LLMs to solve unsolved problems in Mathematics. This for me is the most exciting benefit from AI: the generation of new knowledge. Last time we made significant progress in man's understanding of the world was when we discovered Quantum Mechanics. It led us to discover semiconductors, lasers, LEDs, you name it. As an ex-physicist, I am very invested in this topic.

Which AI tool do you personally use the most?

ChatGPT. Nothing else comes close. Second would be text-to-speech, but it is embedded inside the read-it-later app I use.

How much time do you approximately save daily by using AI tools?

For me it is not about saving time but augmenting my capabilities. GitHub Copilot is a good example. Hard to put a number but I save ~10% of my time using GenAI, some days more.

Do you prefer: ChatGPT or Gemini?

ChatGPT. Two other interesting ones for me are Phind for more coding-related tasks and Perplexity for search.

What area should AI enthusiasts keep an eye on in the near future?

I think the most interesting area to look out for is AI agents. Suppose you ask a LLM to execute a complex task, like analyse a company and tell you if its a good investment opportunity. It would need to spawn multiple-sub tasks: one that researches the financial statements, one that analyses the earnings call, another to analyse the alternative data available on the company, one to combine findings mid-stage to make a plan to fill gaps in research, and so on. Executing such multi-step, complex tasks look theoretically possible to execute with LLMs, but have been hard to build. Starting to do increasingly complex tasks autonomously would be the ultimate productivity boost.

Any tips, tricks or hacks regarding the use of AI?

A LLM does not have an eraser like you: it cannot go back and undo the tokens it generated. So its output is just a stream of consciousness. And for that, the output is remarkable. In many cases, it is incredibly helpful to give the LLM back its response and ask it to find 5 ways to fix it. This generates a very high-quality answer, especially for cases where you want to pass off the LLM response as the final output for the user. This is why Chain-of-Thought prompting works: it gives the LLM "more time to think".

What AI tool should be invented for you?

A humanoid robot butler

Love or hate: Technology smarter than humans aka AGI?

Love. These systems are designed to be intelligent, not dominate. And as we have seen in human history, it is rarely the intelligent people who have the urge to dominate and build kingdoms. Skynet is fear-mongering.

Do you believe AI will bring a bigger technological revolution than the internet?


Is AI more of a chance or a challenge for humanity?

Sam Altman is fond of saying that AI is that last thing we would need to build. Unless you enjoy the drudgery that hard human labor brings (mining, train driver, construction worker), it is the greatest opportunity to improve our quality of life. A large number of people are in jobs which they do not like. I believe humans are capable of much more when they don't have to manage the mundane.

About the interview series:

‘Spilling the digital beans on AI’ allows you to listen in on CEOs building AI tools and learn from AI enthusiasts who are already leveraging the technology every day.

Whether you are looking for tips using AI or want to take a glimpse into the future of AI with us, get the popcorn out because we translate the technical chit-chat into a language we all understand.

How to reach Dipanshu Gupta:

You can find him on Linkedin and on Twitter.