AI dictionary

AI Terms explained

As AI is reshaping our world, more and more AI-related terms are newly developed. So we decided to dedicate a whole section to our AI dictionary to make it easier for you to stay up-to-date with the technical lingo.

Did you discover a new AI term yourself? Or even invent one? Please share with us below!


Means the AI can process and understand information beyond text, including images, video and audio.

For example Gemini was trained with data in multiple formats—not just text, but also imagery, audio, and code.

agentive AI

AI (AI agents) that can take actions or a chain of actions without a prompt

AI illiteracy

The inability to use artificial intelligence and related technology efficiently, with skill levels ranging from simple prompting to advanced problem-solving.

(Admittedly, we invented this term)


Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) refers to methods and techniques that enable humans to understand and interpret the decisions and predictions made by artificial intelligence algorithms.

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