‘AI can now interpret human language with remarkable accuracy’

March 13, 2024

Interview with Minh Thi Ho, CMO at EM&AI

Minh Thi Ho interview about ai

Obviously, AI has existed much longer than the boom that started with the ChatGPT launch in November 2022.

So Minh Thi Ho has been at the forefront of AI since 2018, working for EM&AI, a Vietnamese company developing NLP and sentiment analytics for chatbots.

Naturally, this interview is not the first time she has thought about what AI can do for us but also the threats it might pose in the future.

The Interview

What's your job and how does it involve AI?

I’m a conversational AI solutions expert. I speak at technology conferences and pitch the innovative solutions and conversational AI applications of our company EM&AI.

What's the craziest thing about AI you've heard so far?

With advancements in AI, particularly in NLP and sentiment analysis, machines can now understand and interpret human language with remarkable accuracy.

The systems can detect not only the content of the conversation but also the tone, sentiment, and overall effectiveness of the interaction.

What makes this capability particularly mind-boggling is the complexity of human language and communication. Nuances such as cultural references can significantly impact the interpretation of a conversation.

Yet, AI systems are becoming increasingly adept at understanding these subtleties, allowing them to provide insights into agent performance that rival or even surpass human judgment.

Which AI tool do you personally use the most?

Vagent.AI - The chatbot platform powered by EM&AI. Veed.IO - An AI video maker tool.

How much time do you approximately save daily by using AI tools?

1 hour per day

Do you prefer: ChatGPT or Gemini?


What area should AI enthusiasts keep an eye on in the near future?

Text to code generative AI and how it changes the software industry.

Any tips, tricks or hacks regarding the use of AI?

Understanding the limitation of the AI model that you are using.

What AI tool should be invented for you?

Fully integrated personal assistant.

Love or hate: Technology smarter than humans aka AGI?


Do you believe AI will bring a bigger technological revolution than the internet?

Yes, it will!

Is AI more of a chance or a challenge for humanity?

AI represents both a significant opportunity and a formidable challenge for humanity, embodying a dual nature that demands careful navigation.

As a chance, AI offers transformative potential across numerous sectors. In healthcare, it can revolutionise diagnoses and treatments, making healthcare more accessible and personalised.

In the realm of environmental sustainability, AI provides tools for monitoring and combating climate change, such as optimising energy consumption and aiding in the research for cleaner technologies.

Furthermore, AI drives innovation and efficiency in industries, potentially boosting economic growth and creating new job opportunities in tech-driven sectors.

However, AI also poses challenges. Ethical concerns arise regarding privacy, surveillance, and the potential for bias in AI algorithms, which can perpetuate discrimination. The rapid automation of jobs presents economic challenges, particularly for industries reliant on manual labour, necessitating comprehensive strategies for workforce retraining and education.

Additionally, the development of advanced AI systems raises existential questions about the control and use of such technologies, underlining the need for robust governance and international cooperation to prevent misuse.

About the interview series:

‘Spilling the digital beans on AI’ allows you to listen in on CEOs building AI tools and learn from AI enthusiasts who are already leveraging the technology every day.

Whether you are looking for tips using AI or want to take a glimpse into the future of AI with us, get the popcorn out because we translate the technical chit-chat into a language we all understand.

How to Find EM&AI:

You can find EM&AI on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/emandai/

And via their website: https://emandai.net/

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