Spilling the digital beans on AI interview series

Listen to the Tech CEOs building AI tools or learn from AI enthusiasts already leveraging the technology every day.

Whether you are looking for tips using AI or want to take a glimpse into the future of AI, get the popcorn out because we translate the technical chit-chat into a language we all understand.

The Interviews

  • Interview with Fedor Pak CEO Chatfuel

    Fedor Pak, Chatfuel CEO

    Love or hate: Technology smarter than humans aka AGI?

    You might prefer writing on clay tablets, but progress is inevitable. Your personal feelings towards it aren't as important as whether you can harness technology to benefit your business. If you can, you'll free up resources for what matters most in your business…

  • Krish Ramineni CEO interview for 'spilling the digital beans about ai'

    Krish Ramineni, fireflies.ai CEO

    Will AI replace humans?

    AI won't replace jobs but those using AI will replace those who aren't using AI.

    Love or hate: Technology smarter than humans aka AGI?

    Eventually, but right now AI is prone to making many silly mistakes. It's a tool to augment human skills

  • Zen Robot Ai Prompt engineer

    Zen Robot, Ai Prompt Engineer

    Is AI more of a chance or a challenge for humanity?

    Every breakthrough technology that we have invented as a species has potential good and bad outcomes in terms of widely shared human values.

    I believe this is even more true for AI because the rate of growth/evolution is unprecedented and we're still not sure what will ultimately be possible.

  • Thomas Bornheim CEO 42 Heilbronn

    Thomas Bornheim, CEO 42 Heilbronn

    What's the craziest thing about AI you've heard so far?

    Frank Herbert's Dune is set in a world, where humanity decided to set up a law against replicating human intelligence. The book was published more than 50 years ago (1965).

  • Jan Willem Blom AI video Expert

    Jan-Willem Blom, AI Video Expert

    What's the craziest thing about AI you've heard so far?

    One of the craziest things I heard was someone who created a fan-made commercial for a famous brand with AI and was invited to join the company soon afterwards.

  • Sonja Schölermann, Women in AI

    Svenja Schölermann, Women in AI

    What's the craziest thing about AI you've heard so far?

    I am still fascinated in general when AI comes to conclusions that are not really traceable or understandable for its developers anymore. Still, they somehow also make sense. In the field of LLM we have this - it is called "Emergent abilities" which is when…

  • Dipanshu Gupta AI Equity Research Analyst

    Dipanshu Gupta, AI Equity Research Analyst

    Any tips, tricks or hacks regarding the use of AI?

    A LLM does not have an eraser like you: it cannot go back and undo the tokens it generated. So its output is just a stream of consciousness. And for that, the output is remarkable. In many cases, it is incredibly helpful to give the LLM back its response and ask it to find 5 ways to fix it.

  • Minh Thi Ho

    Minh Thi Ho, CMO EM&AI

    Is AI more of a chance or a challenge for humanity?

    …As a chance, AI offers transformative potential across numerous sectors. In healthcare, it can revolutionise diagnoses and treatments, making healthcare more accessible and personalised. In the realm of environmental sustainability, AI provides tools for monitoring and combating climate change, such as optimising energy consumption and aiding in the research for cleaner technologies.

  • Sven Wiesner, Neon Gold Innovations, Spilling the digital beans on ai

    Sven Wiesner, CEO Neon Gold Innovations

    Which AI tool do you personally use the most?

    Definitely ChatGPT. Not just on the office computer, but especially on the smartphone. I search a lot less on Google, but instead take photos of things and have GPT explain them to me. Aside from that, I use meeting transcription and summarization tools. I continue to write interview answers by hand.

  • Image generated by Jenny Habermehl, author of KI für Kreative

    Jenny Habermehl, Author and Lecturer on AI

    What's the craziest thing about AI you've heard so far?

    Supposedly, threatening consequences or promising tips can generate better responses from ChatGPT. Either the programmers have a great sense of humor and have incorporated this, or it's a myth. This contributes significantly to the humanization of these AI tools…

  • Rahul Sonwalkar, CEO Julius AI

    Rahul Sonwalkar, CEO Julius AI

    Any tips, tricks or hacks regarding the use of AI?

    Prompt like you are speaking to a human with no context of what is going on. Don't assume the models can read your mind! We often see this with Julius — the biggest struggle is getting users to explain their tasks thoroughly, without leaving out or skipping over key details.

  • Dilem Kaya, Digital Health

    What area should AI enthusiasts keep an eye on in the near future?

    Voice Assistants, Personalized AI in marketing, Humanoid robots used in different settings.In my area: The competitive nature of technological advancements prompts me to wonder if this could trigger an international race in healthcare innovation akin to the ongoing AI race.

  • tilman scheel interview ai for libraries

    Tilman Scheel, CEO reelport

    Love or hate: Technology smarter than humans aka AGI?

    What does "smart" mean? I was educated to engage in what they call "emotional intelligence" in relationships, for example. Will an AGI be emotinally smart? Probably not. AI and even AGI will solve a particular set of tasks better than humans (as does a pocket calculator) but it will never equal or surpass a human in all his complexity.

  • Lin Xiao, Ceo Flexclip Interview

    Lin Xiao, CEO Flexclip

    What's the craziest thing about AI you've heard so far?

    One of the most intriguing aspects of AI that I've encountered is its potential for creative expression and innovation. While traditionally associated with tasks like data analysis, automation, and problem-solving, AI has increasingly ventured into the realm of art and creativity.

  • Dr, Juiia Schneider in interview

    Dr. Julia Schneider, Comic Essayist, Economist and former AI Consultant

    Love or hate: Technology smarter than humans aka AGI?

    I think we will only achieve true AGI when technology and biology merge. By integrating biological components, an AI could develop its own will to survive based on biological principles…

What question about AI and AI tools would you love to have answered by our experts? Suggest it below and we might add it to all upcoming interviews.