'AI will bring a bigger technological revolution than the internet'

May 8th, 2024

Interview with Lin Xiao, Founder and CEO of FlexClip

Lin Xiao, Founder and CEO of FlexClip interview 'Spilling the digital beans on AI'

Lin Xiao is the founder and CEO of FlexClip, an innovative online video editing platform that has attracted over 10 million users. In our interview, he discusses his fascination with the new creative possibilities unlocked by AI and his belief in its potential to address the climate crisis.

His vision for FlexClip combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly design, making it a favourite among digital storytellers and us! We tested the tool in our video tool comparison and have been fans ever since!

The Interview

What's your job and how does it involve AI?

As the CEO of FlexClip, my job involves overseeing the strategic direction and overall operations of the company. In terms of AI, FlexClip utilizes artificial intelligence technology in various aspects of our platform. This includes features such as automated video creation, blog to video, text to image, text to speech tool.

Additionally, we leverage AI for tasks like video transcription, AI background removal to enhance the user experience and streamline the video creation process. Overall, AI plays a pivotal role in empowering our users to create professional-quality videos with ease and efficiency.

What's the craziest thing about AI you've heard so far?

One of the most intriguing aspects of AI that I've encountered is its potential for creative expression and innovation. While traditionally associated with tasks like data analysis, automation, and problem-solving, AI has increasingly ventured into the realm of art and creativity.

One particularly fascinating example is the use of AI in generating artwork. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data from various sources, learn artistic styles, and even generate original pieces of art. This ability challenges the conventional notion that creativity is a uniquely human trait, suggesting that machines can also exhibit creative behaviors.

Furthermore, AI has been employed in the creation of music, literature, and even poetry. Projects like "Aiva" (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist) compose classical music pieces, while GPT3 has been known to generate coherent and engaging stories and poems.

The craziest part about this is witnessing how AI can produce artworks and compositions that evoke genuine emotional responses from people, blurring the lines between human and machine creativity. It raises profound questions about the nature of art, originality, and the role of technology in shaping our cultural landscape. This intersection of AI and creativity opens up endless possibilities and challenges our perceptions of what it means to be creative.

Which AI tool do you personally use the most?

As the CEO of FlexClip, I naturally utilize our own AI-powered video creation platform extensively for various purposes, ranging from creating promotional videos for our company to generating content for marketing campaigns. FlexClip's AI tools enable me to efficiently produce professional-quality videos with minimal effort, saving time and resources while maintaining high standards of creativity and effectiveness. Additionally, I rely on other AI tools for tasks such as data analysis, customer segmentation, and predictive analytics to inform strategic decision-making and enhance overall business performance.

How much time do you approximately save daily by using AI tools?

AI tools are invaluable for time-saving across various tasks and responsibilities. Whether it's automating repetitive processes, streamlining data analysis, assisting in decision-making, or even handling routine customer inquiries, AI can significantly reduce the time spent on these activities, allowing you to allocate your resources more efficiently. This time saved can then be reinvested into more strategic endeavors, innovation, or personal development, ultimately contributing to your overall productivity and success as a CEO.

Do you prefer: ChatGPT or Gemini?

The choice between ChatGPT and Gemini depends on the specific task at hand. If you need assistance with general text-based tasks or conversations, ChatGPT would be more suitable. However, if you're specifically interested in generating poetry or creative writing, Gemini would be the better option.

What area should AI enthusiasts keep an eye on in the near future?

AI and Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR): The convergence of AI and AR/VR technologies opens up new possibilities for immersive and intelligent experiences. AI algorithms can enhance AR/VR applications by enabling realistic simulations, natural language interactions, personalized content recommendations, and intelligent object recognition. This synergy has implications across industries, including gaming, education, training, healthcare, architecture, and retail.

AI for Cybersecurity: As cyber threats become more sophisticated and pervasive, AI is increasingly being leveraged for cybersecurity purposes. AI-powered systems can detect anomalies, identify patterns indicative of cyber attacks, and autonomously respond to security incidents in real-time. Furthermore, AI can assist in threat intelligence analysis, vulnerability assessment, and risk management, helping organizations stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Any tips, tricks or hacks regarding the use of AI?

Choose the right tool for the task: There are various AI tools and platforms available, each designed for specific tasks and use cases. Take the time to research and choose the right tool that aligns with your objectives and requirements. Consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, customization options, and integration capabilities.

Data Quality Matters: AI algorithms rely heavily on data for training and decision-making. Ensure that your data is clean, relevant, and of high quality to achieve accurate and reliable results.

What AI tool should be invented for you?

For instance, an AI tool that facilitates seamless collaboration and communication between multiple AI models or between AI and human users could be valuable. This tool could streamline the process of integrating diverse AI systems, enabling them to work together more effectively on complex tasks or projects.

Additionally, advancements in AI tools that prioritize interpretability and explainability could help bridge the gap between AI systems and human users, fostering trust and understanding in AI-driven decision-making processes.

Love or hate: Technology smarter than humans aka AGI?

Advancements in AGI could lead to unprecedented breakthroughs in solving complex global challenges such as disease, poverty, and climate change. AGI has the potential to augment human capabilities, leading to significant improvements in productivity, creativity, and overall quality of life.
It could unlock new opportunities for scientific discovery, exploration, and innovation, accelerating progress in various fields.
However, The development of AGI may exacerbate societal inequalities, widening the gap between those who have access to advanced technology and those who do not.

Do you believe AI will bring a bigger technological revolution than the internet?

Yes, AI will bring a bigger technological revolution than the internet:

AI has the potential to transform virtually every industry and aspect of society, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment. Its ability to automate tasks, make predictions, and generate insights has the potential to revolutionize how businesses operate and how people live their lives.

Unlike the internet, which primarily facilitates the exchange of information and communication between humans, AI has the capacity to emulate human intelligence and decision-making, leading to unprecedented levels of automation and efficiency.

AI-driven technologies such as autonomous vehicles, personalized medicine, and intelligent virtual assistants have the potential to reshape entire industries and create new opportunities for innovation and economic growth.

Who'll make the race for spearheading AI in 10 years?
Predicting which companies or organizations will spearhead the race in AI over the next 10 years is challenging due to the rapidly evolving nature of the technology landscape. However, several entities are currently at the forefront of AI research, development, and deployment. Here are a few contenders:

Google (Alphabet Inc.): Google has been a leader in AI research and development for many years, with projects like TensorFlow, Google Brain, and DeepMind. The company's vast resources, talent pool, and commitment to AI innovation position it as a key player in shaping the future of AI technology.

Microsoft: Microsoft has heavily invested in AI research and development, leveraging its Azure cloud platform and tools like Azure AI to deliver AI-powered solutions to businesses and developers. The company's focus on democratizing AI, ethical AI principles, and AI-driven innovations across various domains positions it as a major player in the AI landscape.

OpenAI: OpenAI is dedicated to advancing artificial general intelligence (AGI) in a safe and ethical manner. With projects like GPT and Codex, OpenAI has demonstrated groundbreaking advancements in natural language processing and AI-driven software development. As an organization committed to open collaboration and responsible AI development, OpenAI could play a significant role in shaping the future of AI technology.

Is AI more of a chance or a challenge for humanity?

AI represents both a chance and a challenge for humanity. It offers opportunities for innovation, automation, and improved quality of life. However, it also raises concerns about job displacement, ethical implications, and existential risks. How we address these challenges will determine whether AI becomes a positive force for humanity's advancement or a source of disruption and inequality.

Was there a question you didn't find, but have a brilliant answer for?

Yes: Question: How can AI contribute to environmental sustainability?

Answer: AI can contribute to environmental sustainability in various ways, including optimizing resource usage, mitigating environmental risks, and facilitating conservation efforts. For instance, AI-driven predictive analytics can help identify patterns and trends in environmental data, enabling more effective monitoring and management of natural resources.

Additionally, AI-powered systems can optimize energy consumption, reduce waste, and enhance efficiency in industries such as agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing. Furthermore, AI-driven models and simulations can inform climate change mitigation strategies, helping policymakers and stakeholders make data-driven decisions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to environmental changes. By harnessing the power of AI, we can address pressing environmental challenges and work towards a more sustainable future.

About the company:

We tested FlexClip for our big Video AI comparison, under the sub category ‘Video Repurposing Tools’ and we really loved:

  • The AI Subtitle Generator’s performance was supreme

  • They offer a very generous free deal

  • The Voice Over Recorder function

  • FlexClip makes editing very easy

Try it now for free! FlexClip let’s you generate a 10min video with no payment or credit card sign up!

About the interview series:

‘Spilling the digital beans on AI’ allows you to listen in on CEOs building AI tools and learn from AI enthusiasts who are already leveraging the technology every day.

Whether you are looking for tips using AI or want to take a glimpse into the future of AI with us, get the popcorn out because we translate the technical chit-chat into a language we all understand.

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